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Home / Main / Zaporizhstal orders for the four months ahead – CEO

Zaporizhstal orders for the four months ahead – CEO

Main / Ukraine

How will be further — it is very hard to predict, the market situation remains very difficult, said Alexander Mironenko.

Zaporizhstal orders for the four months ahead – CEO

At the metallurgical plant "Zaporizhstal" there are no problems with capacity utilisation and orders for metal. This was stated by General Director of the enterprise Alexander Mironenko in interview own press service.

"For the first quarter, even the first four months of the year — no" - he said, answering a question about possible problems with sales and capacity utilization.

"Now we see a stable load, but as will be further — it is very hard to predict, the market situation remains very difficult. Our task — we must work better than budgeted in the business plan," said Mironenko.

He noted that in 2020, Zaporizhstal plans to keep steel production and output of finished rolled products at the level of 2019 and to reduce the number of marriage.

"For each ton of nonconforming products we lose 100-150 dollars, compared with fit. The money is the reserve that we can use to Finance investment and social projects. It is, in principle, the salary of our people. Due to what to raise? Only due to this. Therefore, the main vector of year is the stable production and quality improvement", - said Mironenko.

General Director of "Zaporizhstal" recalled that the steel industry in the second half of last year entered the global crisis in the last 10 years, but any crisis is cyclical.

"Many investment projects are frozen until the situation improves in the global steel markets. This does not mean that we don't own them in the future, of course, as soon as the metals will go through this cycle of crisis, and the industry is cyclical, as you know, we'll get back to his large-scale investprogramma" - promised Mironenko.

PJSC "Zaporizhstal" – the enterprise with the full metallurgical cycle, which is a leader in steel production in Ukraine, exports of steel products in more than 50 countries, as well as tax deductions.

In 2019 "Zaporizhstal" has slightly reduced the production of the main types of steel products viplevel 4 million 360,8 thousand tons of iron, 4 million 004,5 thousand tons of steel and releasing 3 million 348,7 thousand tons of ready hire.

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