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Home / News / Mining industry / The Ministry of Energy presented the conceptual framework for reforming the coal industry

The Ministry of Energy presented the conceptual framework for reforming the coal industry

Mining industry / Ukraine

The Department of Energy has proposed to divide state mines into three categories with the following paths for further development.

The Ministry of Energy presented the conceptual framework for reforming the coal industry

The Ministry of Energy presented the conceptual framework for reforming the coal industry.

Soon they will be submitted to the Expert Council under the Ministry, and after final approval, they will be presented at a meeting of the Coordination Center for the Transformation of Ukrainian Coal Regions.

“We propose for consideration a combined version of the reform, which includes the division of state mines into three categories. Accordingly, we propose three ways of development for them ", - stressed the Deputy Minister of Energy Maxim Nemchinov.

Some of the mines will become a resource base for PJSC "Centerenergo", with the possible subsequent creation of a vertically integrated company.

The second category is “dual-use” mines, that is, producing power and coking coal.

The third category of mines will get a chance for a "second" life. They will be offered for privatization as integral property complexes for which it is possible to reformat economic activities.

It is also planned to implement pilot projects for the transformation of coal regions in two "monocities". The prospects of these projects were discussed during the meetings of the acting Energy Minister Olga Buslavets with representatives of the government and business circles of Germany.

She noted that when transforming coal regions, it is very important to take into account human resources and provide social protection to mine workers.

“We must take care of decent social guarantees for people, without this transformation of coal regions is impossible,” Buslavets said.

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