Home / News / Ukraine / The new Minister of Finance of Ukraine: cooperation with the IMF is "an absolute priority"

The new Minister of Finance of Ukraine: cooperation with the IMF is "an absolute priority"

Ukraine / Business and Finance
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the New Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Snorted said that the government will continue to work constructively with the IMF.

The new Minister of Finance of Ukraine: cooperation with the IMF is "an absolute priority"

Cooperation with the International monetary Fund is an "absolute priority" for Ukraine. This was stated by the newly appointed Minister of Finance Igor Umansky on Friday the representative of the Fund in Ukraine the Guest Jungmann, reports Reuters.

"the New IMF program ... important to maintaining financial stability and implementing structural reforms in Ukraine, which is a priority for the government", - quotes Umansky, the Ministry of Finance.

Credit program of the IMF in the amount of 5.5 billion US dollars, agreed by the previous government last year, depends on whether Ukraine will continue reforms and to control the budget deficit.

the New Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Snorted said that the government will continue to work constructively with the IMF.

Dramatic reshuffle of the government this week initiated by President Vladimir Zelensky, has raised questions about the dynamics of reforms in Ukraine and impact on Ukrainian bonds.

Recall that the American investment Bank Morgan Stanley advised clients to reduce positions in the Eurobonds of Ukraine after the change of government and the potential slowdown of reforms in the country.

March 4, the Verkhovna Rada has sent in the resignation of the Prime Minister Alexey Goncharuk and reformatted the Cabinet. The government of Denis Smagala included 15 Ministers, 4 vacancies the President attempted to fill until the meeting of Parliament, but could not.

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