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What is carbon footprint

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All greenhouse gas emissions that enter the atmosphere due to human activities are the so-called carbon footprint.

What is carbon footprint

Man affects the climate by emitting greenhouse gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and enhance the greenhouse effect. We all emit greenhouse gases in one way or another: when we drive to work or prepare lunch. The aggregate of all emissions that have been influenced by humans is the carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint is made up of all human activities. There are two main sources - energy (primarily combustion of fossil fuels) and agriculture. This is due to the peculiarity of digestion in animals and the disappearance of forests cut down for pastures.

How to calculate your carbon footprint

Everything we do leaves a carbon footprint in one way or another. The main task is to pay attention to how much energy you are using. There are special calculators with which you can calculate your carbon footprint. You answer simple questions about your daily life, and the algorithm calculates how much fuel you use directly or indirectly.

For example, on the Carbon Footprint website, you can see how much emissions your household is generating. If you fly often, you can calculate the carbon footprint of your flights. You can also find out about your carbon footprint in the Capture app and Map my emissions.

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