Home / News / Ukraine / Gladkovsky, the Corporation "Bogdan motors" is not going to capitulate
Home / News / Ukraine / Gladkovsky, the Corporation "Bogdan motors" is not going to capitulate

Gladkovsky, the Corporation "Bogdan motors" is not going to capitulate

Ukraine / Engineering
4 722

This statement was made in the Corporation after the State defense order for Ukraine 2020 refused to buy automotive equipment company.

Gladkovsky, the Corporation "Bogdan motors" is not going to capitulate

To date, the lack of vehicles in the State defense order of Ukraine for the year 2020 and ongoing politically motivated persecution of the enterprise from the state led to the suspension of production of military equipment and a significant reduction in employees, said statement AO "Automobile company "Bogdan motors" the former Deputy Secretary of national security and defense of Oleg Gladkovsky, who is the founder of the Corporation "Bogdan".

"But in "Bogdan motors" are not going to capitulate and plan new projects that will once again run a modern factory production area and to provide not only job recovery plant in Cherkassy, but also to promote the economic development of Cherkasy and the economy as a whole", - said the press service of the Corporation.

Earlier it was reported that the automobile company "Bogdan motors" intends to lay off 600 employees due to the destabilization of economic activity public services.

AK "Bogdan motors" in 2019 received grichin of 272.79 million net profit, which is 10.6 times higher than a year earlier. In 2018, the Corporation increased its net income 2.3 times by 2017 to 974,71 million hryvnia, and received of 25.83 million hryvnias of net profit against a loss 957,19 million hryvnia a year earlier.

the Corporation "Bogdan" was established in February 2005 to implement scaled investment projects directed on creation in Ukraine of capacities on manufacture of vehicles of all types. Corporation in the framework of the implementation of the investment program built automobile plants in Cherkasy capacity of 120-150 thousand cars and luck with a capacity of 6 thousand buses and trolleybuses a year.

In new production facilities has invested a record at the time the amount - $ 350 million. Cherkassy plant had two independent welding lines and Assembly, paint and General complex. This allowed us to produce a wide range of cars B, C, and C-High classes with a total project volume of 120,000 cars a year. The main markets of realization of production at that time was the domestic market of Ukraine and CIS countries.

on the day of the opening of the plant on 20 June 2008 at the state level was signed killer for the domestic auto industry, the agreement with the world trade organization, according to which one day, without any transitional period of decreased protective duties, and in fact opened the domestic market of Ukraine for import. No support for the Ukrainian producers was not provided.

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