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Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant prepares for production growth and launches another furnace

Ukraine / Ferrous metallurgy
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The company is considering the possibility of increasing the production of silicomanganese by producing the highest quality grade P15 low-phosphorous slag.

Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant prepares for production growth and launches another furnace

PJSC "Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant" (NFP, Dnipropetrovsk region) is considering the possibility of increasing the production of silicomanganese by 5 thousand tons per month by producing the highest quality grade P15 low-phosphorous slag, which, in turn, is produced from finely dispersed concentrate, the volumes of which will be only increase. Igor Filippov, the head of the planning and technical department of the plant, spoke about this.

NZF in January-March 2021 increased the production of silicomanganese by 9.2% compared to January-March 2020, to 127.7 thousand tons. Ferromanganese production increased by 24% to 14.89 thousand tons.

In March, NZF produced 56.42 thousand tons of ferroalloys. The planned target for April at NFP was calculated at the level of 57 thousand base tons of ferroalloys.

The general director of the plant, Vladimir Kutsin, set a task for the team to prepare for switching on and warm up an additional melting furnace this month. He noted that the enterprise is working steadily.

According to the results of work in 2020, Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant received a net profit of 456.16 million hryvnia, while 2019 ended with a net loss of 584.37 million hryvnia.

NZF is the largest Ukrainian enterprise for the production of silico- and ferromanganese. Uses imported and domestic raw materials for the production of ferroalloys. The production capacity of the enterprise is about 900 thousand tons of ferroalloys.

Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant is controlled by EastOne Group, created in autumn 2007 as a result of restructuring of Viktor Pinchuk's Interpipe Group, as well as Igor Kolomoisky's Privat Group (both - Dnipro).

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