Home / News / Ukraine / At a chemical plant in Rivne, a pipeline depressurization occurred in the nitric acid production workshop

At a chemical plant in Rivne, a pipeline depressurization occurred in the nitric acid production workshop

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Eyewitnesses reported a "small explosion" that resulted in a poisonous orange dust cloud over the plant.

At a chemical plant in Rivne, a pipeline depressurization occurred in the nitric acid production workshop

The press service of the chemical plant "RivneAzot" Group DF Dmitry Firtash reports that on July 20, 2021, an abnormal situation took place at the enterprise - depressurization of the pipeline in the nitric acid production workshop.

As a result of the emergency, a one-time emission of nitrous gases in an insignificant amount took place on the territory of the plant. The consequences of the emergency were completely eliminated on our own. There are no casualties or injuries.

The plant was assured that at the moment the air quality indicators are within the permissible limits, there is no threat to the environment and the population.

“The enterprise is operating normally. The emergency did not affect the work of the production workshops of the enterprise and the further shipment of products in accordance with the concluded contracts, "the message says.

RivneAzot is the leader in the production of mineral fertilizers in Western Ukraine. In 2011, the company entered the OSTCHEM holding, which unites the assets of the nitrogen chemistry Group DF of Dmitry Firtash.

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