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Sandvik D50KS breaks new blast hole record


Certificates for YugPromMetiz products

The production company LLC YugPromMetiz offers to get acquainted with the certificates of conformity for the products of its own production....

About goods arrival at the warehouse

Arrival of items to the warehouse of the company LLC YugPromMetiz...

Discounts and promotions YugPromMetiz

Discounts and promotions of LLC YugPromMetiz...

Alexey Alekseev has been appointed General Director of LLC "Kerkher"

On February 1, Alexey Alekseev, the new general director of LLC Kercher, who previously headed the official representative office of Kärcher in the...

Casting alloys and master alloys.

Production and supply of non-ferrous metal alloys and master alloys....

Sale of wheels for steel grade 30HGSA at the price of 2018

We sell stocks of steel 30HGSA Calibrated circle (2018 year of manufacture) Steel circle 30HGSA GOST 7417-74 d.5.5-80mm Round st.30HGSA diameter...

Supplies of ferrous metal products to Russia increased by almost 5% in 2018.

7.2% in 2018 was the weight of metals and products in the commodity structure of imports, in 2017 it was 6.9%....

Participation of the IGO "STEEL ZAKAZ " in the construction of the Temple of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

MPO "STEEL ZAKAZ " takes part in the formation of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Khimki, Moscow Region....

Measuring equipment in Moscow


Lebedinsky GOK received new 220-ton BELAZ trucks

Lebedinsky GOK (part of the Metalloinvest company) received 3 new BELAZ trucks with a carrying capacity of 220 tons. The dump trucks were purchased...

Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant in 2018 increased the output of high-margin products

The Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant (part of the Mechel Group) has expanded its product line of structural shapes. In 2018, the production of 17 new...

OEMK is mastering the production of new steel grades by customer orders

In the scientific and technical steel laboratory of the Stary Oskol Technological Institute named after A.A. Ugarov, a branch of NUST MISIS, located...

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