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Китайские технологии электромобилей открывают возможности для развития - венгерский министр

Как подчеркнул М. Надь, Европа должна ускорить зеленый переход в автомобильной промышленности, что также поможет повысить конкурентоспособность ЕС....

POSCO поставит специализированную сталь для европейского гиперлупа

Южнокорейская POSCO стала первой в мире компанией, поставляющей специализированную сталь для испытательного полигона европейского центра Hyperloop...

Porsche downgrades revenue forecast due to aluminum supply problems

The automaker will lose about two billion euros in revenue due to heavy rains in Germany and flooding of the production plant of an important...

Contract prices for steel fell in the Czech Republic

Flat-rolled steel producers in Central Europe were forced to make price concessions during recent contract negotiations with Czech buyers for the...

EUROFER calls von der Leyen's re-election as head of the European Commission a time for pragmatic implementation of the Clean Industrial Agreement

Just as the European Coal and Steel Community brought peace and made the European dream a reality more than 70 years ago, today the implementation of...

Growth in European steel industry due to ECB rate cuts will take time - MEPS

MEPS analysts suggest the European Central Bank's first interest rate cut will do little to revive the region's ailing steel industry in the near...

The European Commission allowed Nippon Steel to acquire US Steel for $14.9 billion

The Japanese company has its factories in the UK, Sweden and Finland, while the American company has a branch in Slovakia....

Thyssenkrupp sells 20% of steel business to Czech billionaire

The parties are discussing the possibility of Krzhetinsky's company buying out another 30% in Thyssenkrupp's steel business, the press release says....

EU confirms extension of tariffs on stainless steel from Taiwan, Turkey and Vietnam

The European Commission has confirmed the extension of the final countervailing duties on Indonesian cold-rolled stainless steel to materials...

Xi Jinping received a warm welcome in Serbia, where the Chinese leader spoke about the “inevitability of expanding investment”

The Chinese leader's comments come as tensions between Beijing and Brussels rise, with Western European leaders calling on Xi's government to stop...

China condemns EU attempts to justify anti-dumping practices

On April 10, the European Commission published an updated report on significant government distortions in the economy of the People's Republic of...

German industry may not recover from energy crisis

As a survey conducted by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry last September showed, 43% of large industrial companies intend to move their...

Slovenské elektrárne closed its last coal-fired power plant in Slovakia

After almost 60 years of operation, TEC Vojany in eastern Slovakia, burning hard coal, is ending its operation today....

The EU market for new passenger cars increased by 10 percent

In just the first two months of 2024, more than 1.7 million new passenger cars were sold in the EU, which is 11.2% more than in the past....

Imports put strong pressure on rolled metal prices in Europe

Prices for flat-rolled steel in Europe fell this week due to increased import activity, forcing European producers to adjust their offerings to...

The European Parliament approved a compromise on Euro 7 emissions limits

The new rules, which still require final official approval by EU countries, will apply to cars and vans from July 2030, and to buses and trucks 12...

Thyssenkrupp creates low-emission tug fleet

Thyssenkrupp Veerhaven, the logistics subsidiary of Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe based in Rotterdam, commissioned the design of an environmentally...

The EU allocated 3 million euros for the laid-off German employees of Vallourec

The European Commission has offered to support workers laid off in the German steel industry...

Volkswagen increased revenue by 15.5% in 2023, expects growth of 5% this year

Vehicle deliveries last year increased by 11.8% and reached 9.24 million, including electric vehicles - by 35%, to 771 thousand. In Europe, total...

Financial support for Poland from the EU could revive the Central European steel market

The Eastern European country's steel industry could benefit from increased production activity if the Polish government manages to secure nearly 60...

The rise in steel prices in Europe did not take place due to low demand

European buyers were not willing to significantly replenish stocks from local or foreign suppliers. The average distributor doesn't even buy at lower...

Thyssenkrupp will supply Siemens with low-CO2 electrical steel

Siemens Energy will produce 700 transformers from Thyssenkrupp steel at its plant in Weiz in Austria....

Steel market fundamentals are changing in Europe - Argus

Changes to EU steel protections could further push up the premium for Italian HRC as the cheapest import options in recent months could end up...

Italy signed a memorandum of understanding with Metinvest to create an integrated industrial project in the municipality of Pembino

The Pembino steel complex is one of the main steel processing centers in Italy and Europe, and the Ministry of Business and the Made in Italy project...

Tata Steel will shut down its last two blast furnaces in the UK

Tata Steel will close two of its Port Talbot blast furnaces this year as part of a shift to greener EAF steel production that aims to "reverse...

More than 10.5 million new passenger cars were sold in the EU in 2023

The European vehicle market grew last year in all countries of the bloc with the exception of Hungary....

Vestas plans to build a second offshore energy plant in Poland

The new wind turbine blade factory is planned to be located on a site in the northern part of Szczecin, which Vestas acquired in February 2023....

ArcelorMittal increases steel coil prices by 50 euros to 800 euros per tonne

The move comes as contract negotiations continue with automakers and the wider supply chain, with most factories trying to secure contract extensions...

ArcelorMittal refuses to buy Polish electricity supplier

ArcelorMittal is currently involved in separate legal matters with Liberty as it seeks payment of a €140 million arbitration award related to...

The EU hot-rolled steel market will enter 2024 with weak demand, higher production and uncertainty over trade measures

European hot rolled coil prices showed signs of recovery towards the end of 2023, but the basis for a continuation of this trend into 2024 appears...

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