Home / Main / Steel market capacity in Ukraine increased by 16% amid a decrease in imports of metal products
Home / Main / Steel market capacity in Ukraine increased by 16% amid a decrease in imports of metal products

Steel market capacity in Ukraine increased by 16% amid a decrease in imports of metal products

Main / Ukraine
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In January-September 2021, Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises produced 14.49 million tons of rolled metal, which is 5.6% more than in the same period last year.

Steel market capacity in Ukraine increased by 16% amid a decrease in imports of metal products

In January-September 2021, the capacity of the domestic steel market in Ukraine amounted to 3832.0 thousand tons of finished rolled metal, of which 840.0 thousand tons, or 21.92%, were imports. In January-September 2020, the capacity of the domestic market in the country was 3296.6 thousand tons, of which 894.6 thousand tons, or 27.14% came from other countries. Thus, for 9 months of 2021, there is an increase in the capacity of the domestic market relative to January-September 2020 by 16.25% with a simultaneous decrease in the share of the import component by 5.22%.

According to Ukrmetallurgprom, in January-September 2021, Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises produced 14.49 million tons of rolled metal (105.6% relative to January-September 2020), of which, according to V.S.K. GROUP, exported about 11.49 million tons, or 79.3%. For 9 months of 2020, the share of exports amounted to 82.5% (11.31 million tons with a total production of 13.71 million tons of rolled metal).

The share of semi-finished products in export deliveries for 9 months of 2021 accounted for 46.63%, which is lower than the indicator for the same period in 2020 (50.67%). The share of flat products in export deliveries in January-September 2021 is noticeably higher than in January-September 2020 (37.29% and 32.23%, respectively). The share of long products in export supplies for 9 months of 2021 is slightly inferior to the indicator for the same period in 2020 (16.08% in 2021 versus 17.10% in 2020).

The structure of Ukrainian steel imports in January-September 2021 is characterized by a significant domination of flat products over long products (56.79% and 41.31%, respectively); in the same period of 2020, the dominance of flat products over long products was practically comparable to that of 2021 (56.34% and 42.48%, respectively).

The main export markets of Ukrainian metal products in January-September 2021, according to V.S.K. GROUP, are the countries of the European Union (35.9%), other European countries (20.3%) and NAFTA countries (10.1%).

Among metallurgical importers for 9 months of 2021, the first place is taken by the CIS (35.2%), the second by Asian countries (22.9%), and the third - by the EU-27 (21.1%).

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