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In Ukraine created the working group on the revival of domestic aviation industry

Ukraine / Engineering
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the State concern "Ukroboronprom" together with Antonov company and enterprises of the aviation industry and government members established a working group, whose task is to prepare proposals in the draft programme of revival of the aviation industry.

In Ukraine created the working group on the revival of domestic aviation industry

At the end of this week, on the territory of the state enterprise "Antonov" has started a working group on preparation of proposals in the draft programme of revival of the aviation industry of Ukraine for the medium term. According to the order of the state concern "Ukroboronprom" the Chairman of the working group appointed Bondar Roman Vladimirovich, Deputy Director General transformation of the group, Deputy Chairman - Moose Alexander, acting President of SE Antonov.

In the working group included representatives of the "Ukrainian scientific-research Institute of aviation technologies", state enterprise "Zaporozhye machine-building design Bureau Progress state enterprise "Plant 410 GA", "Kharkov machine-building plant "fed", Kharkov state aviation production enterprise, the representatives of the concern "Ukroboronprom" on the issues of aviation and strategic projects.

"the Development and approval of the government program - the long-awaited event for the aviation industry. This will ensure the financing of domestic aircraft, will enable our customers - the defense Ministry and interior Ministry to satisfy their own demand for the aircraft, and for "Antonov" - to get the starting momentum for the development of Russian aircraft industry", - said Roman Bondar.

In the first working group meeting also took part Deputy Minister of economic development and agriculture Yulia Sviridenko. It will coordinate the preparation and presentation of the concept of development of the aviation industry for review by the government Committee for further development of the budget Declaration for 2021.

the Proposed concept of development of the Ukrainian aviation industry consists of five main programmes that address the strategic directions of financing.

the aim of the programme is to create conditions for the implementation of projects of innovative research and development of new competitive technologies, materials, production processes and equipment, testing, implementation and introduction of which will allow you to develop examples of new models serial, upgraded passenger and transport aircraft, helicopters, engines, other aircraft and will also facilitate its export to foreign markets.

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