Home / News / Ukraine / Zaporizhia Automobile Plant was the first in the post-Soviet space to receive Euro 6 for a bus
Home / News / Ukraine / Zaporizhia Automobile Plant was the first in the post-Soviet space to receive Euro 6 for a bus

Zaporizhia Automobile Plant was the first in the post-Soviet space to receive Euro 6 for a bus

Ukraine / Engineering

The Ukrainian automaker, the only one in the post-Soviet space, who has fulfilled the stringent requirements of the European Union certification in the latest amendments in force in 2020.

Zaporizhia Automobile Plant was the first in the post-Soviet space to receive Euro 6 for a bus

Zaporizhzhya Automobile Building Plant, received the EU Type Approval for a mid-range bus. Among these requirements, compliance with Euro 6 has been confirmed. Thus, the quality, technical parameters, and most importantly, environmental friendliness, of the products of the Ukrainian automaker are officially confirmed and comply with the current stringent requirements of the European Union regulations.

The receipt of the EU certificate of conformity by the Ukrainian manufacturer was a logical continuation of the company's successful work on the development of bus production. Moreover, among the enterprises of the automotive industry of the post-Soviet space, at the moment the plant from Zaporozhye is the only one who received a similar "Euro 6" certificate among all automobile and bus factories, it meets the requirements with the latest amendments in force in 2020. Having started the production of small class buses ZAZ A07, ZAZ is purposefully developing the bus business and currently has several modifications of equipment in its model line, and continues to work on expanding the range. Now the production, practically from scratch, of a small-class bus ZAZ A08, modifications "suburban", "school", "city" has been established, the production of the ZAZ A09 model on the Mercedes-Benz chassis (all Euro-5) is being prepared for low-floor bus of middle class ZAZ A10 Euro-5 with manual and automatic transmission, as well as А10 in Euro 6.

The received certificate of conformity to the norms of the European Union opens up new opportunities for the Ukrainian automaker. Due to the fact that the buses produced by the Zaporozhye Automobile Building Plant, with similar performance characteristics to their European counterparts, have a more attractive price, the Zaporozhye enterprise has good sales prospects. Thus, in the very near future, bus vehicles manufactured at ZAZ will be supplied to the markets of the European Union countries and will compete with local manufacturers.

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