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Pipes to dig up, no one will – the operator of Ukraine's GTS on the reduction of gas transit

Ukraine plans to rebuild its transportation system under the transit capacity of 40 billion cubic meters of existing in more than 130 billion cubic...

The Belarusian authorities appealed to Ukraine for cheap oil

Belarus conducts an active search for replacement of Russian oil in Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan and other countries, said the government of Belarus....

Russia failed to agree with Belarus on oil transit

the negotiations on the tariffs for transit of Russian oil through Belarus will continue in the near future, reported the Ministry of Antimonopoly...

Belarus has imposed an environmental tax on the transit of Russian oil

Before that, Minsk has repeatedly raised the issue of the need to increase the cost of Russian oil transit, explaining that the poor state of...

Mechel shares rose 28%


Argentine company bought the Russian TMK steel in Houston for a billion dollars

pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) announced that it completed the sale of 100% of shares of IPSCO Tubulars Inc. Tenaris....

Belarus stopped buying Russian oil from January 1

Belarusian refineries announced the termination of deliveries of oil from Russia in connection with the lack of contracts....

Human rights activists have evaluated the possibility of cross-border cooperation between Russia and Ukraine

From the Russian side of the border there is a decline and out-migration, cross-border cooperation is simply no one to lead, said the Association of...

The President of Belarus instructed in the coming days to find an alternative to Russian oil

Moscow and Minsk remained without agreements on the supply to 2020. The Minsk intends to seek alternative routes of supply of raw materials. The...

The shareholders of PJSC "MTS" will split the money from the sale of Ukrainian "daughter"

At the extraordinary shareholders meeting of PJSC "MTS", it was decided to approve profit distribution (dividends) formed after the sale...

The presidents of Russia and Ukraine exchanged congratulations with the New year

Vladimir Zelensky and Vladimir Putin welcomed the conclusion of the contract on the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine, signed...

Former German Chancellor Schroeder has strongly condemned U.S. sanctions against the "Nord stream – 2"

Germany is not the 51st state of the USA and should not tolerate interference in the internal Affairs of the country, said the Chairman of the Board...

Today, 20 years since Vladimir Putin first became President of the Russian Federation

Today is already the fourth — Vladimir Putin's term expires in 2024, and under current law, it should change another President....

The transit of Russian gas through Ukraine will continue on terms acceptable to all parties – Dmitry Medvedev

Negotiations on transit and gas supplies continued for several weeks. The parties accused each other of procrastination and delays, which could...

The US government said that the sanctions against the "Nord stream 2" is aimed at the full stop of the project

Senior us officials believe that the project "Northern stream 2" will not be completed, as any company that try to build will fall under...

Metallurgists of the "red October" has increased the number of daily heats with the usual 7 to 10

over the last few months in the steelmaking plant # 2 was to increase the number of heats of steel with the usual 7 to 10 daily. Last Friday and...

Rosstandart proposed to update the metallurgical Standards

In December started a public discussion 105 draft standards. Suggestions and comments on them make the developers within the framework of the...

The US state Department gave the contractors the "Nord stream — 2" a month to stop work

"Nord stream 2" is a tool that Russia uses to support its continued aggression against Ukraine, said the U.S. Department of state....

The energy Minister said on completion, "Nord stream 2" for a few months

According to the Minister, was still less than 160 km of gas pipelines, since the bulk of the work has been completed....

Employees of GP "VostGOK" passed examinations in radiation safety

Eastern mining and processing plant is the only enterprise in Ukraine that provides for uranium mining and production of its oxide concentrate....

Russian police have detained opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Press-Secretary of the Fund of struggle against corruption Kira Armys reported that Alexei Navalny was detained in the premises of the Fund are...

In Russia introduced a model of market valuation of rebar to reduce antitrust risks

polls optimization of the Antimonopoly legislation considered members of the working group at the Expert Council on developing competition in the...

European banks have allocated record funding for the construction of the Amur gas processing plant of Gazprom

OOO "Gazprom pererabotka Blagoveshchensk" and PJSC "Gazprom" has completed the signing of loan and security documentation as part...

Unmanned Trucks are inspected in the pits of the Kuzbass

On the Kuzbass mine "Listvjazhnaja" passes the test of an unmanned KAMAZ-43118. One of the first work of the latest technology appreciated...

AVTOVAZ suspended production until January 9

January 9, with the end of Russian Christmas holidays, the Group AVTOVAZ resumes production activity....

Russia increased gold production by 26%

Leader growth of refining gold in the Russian Federation became the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which increased in January - August the production...

Krasnokamsky RMZ has released a calendar with the girls in negligee

Bold calendar trailers "Expedition" 2020 surprise unusual landscapes created on nudity....

Russian scientists have created a superhard alloy for mining in the Arctic

Scientists nust "MISIS" have developed a new coarse-grained hard alloys, increasing the strength and durability of mining equipment in 2...

Gazprom and Naftogaz sign agreement on gas transit for five years – all the details of the document

In "Gazprom" has opened the agreement with Ukraine on gas transit....

World steel production in November decreased by the percentage

the world steel Association reported a slight decrease in world steel production in November 2019 compared to November 2018....

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