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Unprecedented US maneuver to lower oil prices

The Biden government convinced other countries to free oil from their strategic reserves in order to lower oil prices, but how OPEC + countries will...

Metallurgist, who is he and what does he do?

Working as a metallurgist involves a variety of industries, including civil engineering, aircraft construction, automotive and defense industries....

Michael Burry deletes Twitter account after falling out with Elon Musk

Burry has repeatedly deleted and reactivated his Twitter account in recent months following an argument with Musk...

Tesla unveils Model Y with 4680 structural battery

Tesla's new battery type will reduce the overall weight of the battery while increasing the density of individual battery cells. This will...

Astronomical profits of the metallurgical giant

This is ArcelotMittal's best result since Q2 2008...

Will Elon Musk sell 10% of Tesla shares?

Elon Musk leaves nothing to chance, especially when it comes to Tesla shares...

Environmentalists oppose Elon Musk's plan to build a Starbase in Texas

If successful, the ambitious spaceport could become the site of multiple annual launches to the Moon and Mars, but how will this affect the wildlife...

Complying with the Paris Agreement, Ukraine will continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Ukraine intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent by 2030. The country's obligations in this area were confirmed by the...

Elon Musk implements a grandiose project Vegas Loop

The multibillionaire has received the approval of the city of Las Vegas to develop a network of underground tunnels "Vegas Loops"...

Pandemic's impact on labor markets is worse than anticipated - International Labor Organization

The COVID-19 crisis has affected productivity, workers and businesses. The productivity gap between developed and developing countries is projected...

Private astronautics will make Elon Musk a trillionaire - Morgan Stanley analyst

Earlier, experts had already predicted that Musk would become a trillionaire, but they believed that this would happen thanks to Tesla shares....

Google to stop displaying its ads in content where global warming is denied

Google said Thursday it will no longer advertise alongside climate change misinformation on its search engine or global video-sharing platform...

France demands to call nuclear energy "green", scaring the growing dependence on the Russian Federation

France opposed the phasing out of nuclear energy and against the deal between Germany and Russia on "Nord Stream 2". Fears are growing in...

On the prospects for renewable energy and decarbonization

Experts started talking about "carbon neo-colonialism" on the part of developed countries, imposing decarbonization processes that are...

Ukrainian hydrogen for Europe: an image of the future or a soap bubble?

Gas pipeline operators, which may soon lose transit of Russian gas, are hatching plans to transport hydrogen. What are the real chances for Ukraine...

Nuclear energy must be used to tackle climate change - IAEA

Nuclear technology, according to the head of the IAEA, is an important tool in the fight against climate change and zoonotic diseases....

WHO /ILO report: Approximately 2 million people die each year from work-related illness and injury

Occupational diseases and injuries claimed 1.9 million lives in 2016. This data is contained in the first joint report of the World Health...

The pandemic did not help: the amount of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere is increasing sharply

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic has not slowed down rapid climate change. The concentration of greenhouse gases in...

World Bank: climate change will result in massive internal migration

By 2050, fires, floods, droughts and hurricanes will displace an estimated 216 million people from their homes and seek safer and more prosperous...

9/11 conspiracy theories debunked: engineers explain how the twin towers collapsed

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked American passenger liners and rammed two skyscrapers in New York on them. Three thousand people...

Who Will Get Afghanistan's Lithium and Copper Deposits After US Leaving?

While the United States was taking people out of Afghanistan, and footage of Afghans storming the Kabul airport to fly out of a Taliban-occupied...

Trump's steel tariffs become Biden's political headache - Politico

Joe Biden is keen to show that he works for the steelworkers and their unions, who gave him a pass to the White House in Washington, but he is...

The global hydropower sector produced a record 4,370 TWh of electricity in 2020

The capacity of all new hydropower plants in the world was 1.5 GW last year, which is 304 MW more than in 2019. Of these, Chinese projects account...

Iran could mislead World Steel Association for propaganda purposes - Iran International

Over the past three months, steel production in Iran has fallen by half amid problems in Afghanistan, a shortage of electricity and restrictions on...

Is it possible to replace Russian gas in the Ukrainian GTS with "green" hydrogen?

The EU is increasingly talking about hydrogen for the transition to "green" energy. It is he who is able to replace gas, coal and other...

Post-pandemic global economic recovery will lead to record CO2 emissions - IEA

Countries must increase investment and take clean energy adoption to a much higher level after the recovery period to move the world on a path...

UN: Cryptocurrencies And Blockchain Technology Will Help Save Earth From Global Warming

The UN believes that blockchain - the technology behind online currencies - can play an important role in combating the climate crisis and help...

UN proposes to urgently create a Global Fund for Social Protection to tackle the avalanche of poverty

The COVID-19 pandemic is placing a heavy burden on the world's poorest people who will not survive without outside help, said the UN Special...

Reduce costs

Mining professionals are constantly looking for ways to help buyers lower their costs. In this article, you will find 6 practical tips on how to...

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